Wednesday, October 27, 2010

12:00 November 6th!!!

Again thank you so much for your donations.  
Mt Pleasant Memorials is just about finished 
with our bench. 

Please join me in surprising the Wheelers with it 
on Saturday November 6th at 12:00 at the park.

Spread the word and thanks again.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thank you Mt Pleasant Memorials!!!

I just paid Mt Pleasant Memorials all the money we raised.They will be putting in a granite bench for us! They are engraving and installing it for $1000! Thanks so much to them! The granite will be from Vermont- like Alice and Mike. John Wheeler (one of their sons) will be helping with the installation. Now we just need to figure out what should be engraved... any suggestions?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

We have raised $950!!

Thanks everyone for your donations!! We have raised $950- enough for the bench. I'm just waiting to hear from Mike Hale the DPW guy and find out our next move. We could use a little bit more money for the dedication party. If you wanted to give and haven't yet this would be a great time to.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Only $200 left to raise!!

We got a very generous donation yesterday. We're almost there. Please donate today!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why we need to pay tribute to the Wheeler's

The Wheeler's are the unofficial caretakers of the park. They mow, plant & clean the park. They do everything from prune & plant to clean trash, graffiti and poo. If you have spent any extended time there you have met them. They do this because they love the park and the children that play there. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

$810 to go

The donations are starting to come in. I have been avoiding walking by the Wheeler's house so I don't give myself away by the big smile on my face.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Woo Hoo we're getting a bench.

I'm really excited. I've been wanting to do something for the Wheeler's for a long time.

Last week I contacted Paul McGeary, Ward 1 City Council, to find out what we could do to honor them. He was great; He emailed me back within the hour and followed up this week. "The city no longer has an "official" commemorative bench program, but I was assured by DPW director Mike Hale that if a group bought one, he could get it installed" So here I am, asking for money. Please spread the word. I'm going to print up some flyers and pass them out while I'm at the park and around the neighborhood. Let me know if you would like to help.

I would like to keep this a surprise and invite them to a potluck at the park. Alice loves our park potlucks.